Greater Pittsburgh Intergroup of OA (GPI) serves most of western Pennsylvania (Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Blair, Butler, Cambria, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Somerset, Venango, Washington, and Westmoreland counties), the western West Virginia panhandle and portions of northwest West Virginia (Brooke, Hancock, Harrison, Marion, Marshall, Monongalia, Ohio, and Taylor counties), and bordering portions of Ohio (western Belmont and Jefferson counties).


Are you planning on attending a GPI meeting for the first time, either as your group's representative or as a guest? If so, please check out these documents beforehand:

  1. What Is GPI?
  2. Welcome to GPI!

GPI Meeting information and reminders will be sent out via an all-GPI email, if you're not already subscribed please go to GPI Email List and subscribe.

As per the GPI Standing Rules Item 2 (see page 2): Meetings are open to all OA members. Anyone present may speak when acknowledged by the Chairperson. However, only group representatives, intergroup members, or other delegates may vote on measures brought to the floor.

If you'd like to be connected with a GPI Mentor, please complete the GPI Mentor Form.

Welcome to Intergroup!


The monthly GPI meeting is held via Zoom, details available on the GPI Calendar.

GPI Meeting information and reminders will be sent out via an all-GPI email, if you're not already subscribed please go to GPI Email List and subscribe. You can also get the information from any GPI Member.

As per the GPI Standing Rules Item 2 (see page 2): Meetings are open to all OA members. Anyone present may speak when acknowledged by the Chairperson. However, only group representatives, intergroup members, or other delegates may vote on measures brought to the floor.

The documents we'll be using at the February 2025 meeting are posted below.

We will also be voting on proposed New Business Motions and Bylaws Amendments for inclusion on the World Service Business Conference Agenda. As these documents can be lengthly, we suggest that you review the WSBC Agenda Questionnaire Summary first, and use the detailed WSBC New Business Motions and WSBC Bylaw Amendments documents as needed for further information.

Below is a post-meeting highlights document to make it easier to report relevant information back to your meetings:
February Post Meeting Highlights Document

For documents from previous GPI Meetings, see the GPI Meeting Documents section of our Online Archive.


Chair: chairs meetings of GPI, prepares GPI agenda, orients new GPI members, coordinates the responsibilities of GPI
Ro M.
Vice-Chair: maintains GPI Bylaws, Policy & Procedures Manual, and equipment list, assists Chairperson as needed
Treasurer: handles/balances the books & provides financial reporting, serves on Finance Committee
Dee C.
Secretary: handles administrative matters for GPI
Sheree C.
Ex-Officio: immediate past Chairperson
12th Step Within: coordinates outreach to the still suffering compulsive eaters within OA
Debbie B.
Outreach: acts as liaison between GPI and professionals who refer people to OA, as well as brings awareness of OA to the general public
Speakers Bureau: maintains GPI speakers list(s) and is responsible for the monthly GPI Speaker meeting
Liv S.
VOR Editor: compiles and distributes quarterly recovery newsletter
Beth A.
Special Events: coordinates special events and annual retreat
Region 7 Representative: Region 7 Representatives and Alternates represent GPI at the biannual Region 7 Assembly and ensure that Region 7 continues to function
Kristi K.
Committee: none at GPI, serves on a Regional committee
Region 7 Representative: Region 7 Representatives and Alternates represent GPI at the biannual Region 7 Assembly and ensure that Region 7 continues to function
Committee: none at GPI, serves on a Regional committee
Region 7 Alternate: Region 7 Representatives and Alternates represent GPI at the biannual Region 7 Assembly and ensure that Region 7 continues to function
Committee: none at GPI, serves on a Regional committee
WSBC Delegate: World Service Business Conference (WSBC) Delegates and Alternates represent GPI at the annual World Service Business Conference and ensure that OA continues to function at the World Service level
Tricia S.
Committee: none at GPI, serves on a WSBC committee
WSBC Delegate: World Service Business Conference (WSBC) Delegates and Alternates represent GPI at the annual World Service Business Conference and ensure that OA continues to function at the World Service level
Committee: none at GPI, serves on a WSBC committee
WSBC Alternate: World Service Business Conference (WSBC) Delegates and Alternates represent GPI at the annual World Service Business Conference and ensure that OA continues to function at the World Service level
Committee: none at GPI, serves on a WSBC committee
GPI Special Worker: in accordance with Tradition 8, maintains website, meeting list, database, email list, maintains online archive of all GPI files, and performs limited GPI administrative work as needed
Jessica F.


If you'd like to give service above the group level but aren't able to attend the monthly intergroup meeting, then committee work is for you!

Below you'll find summary information on all GPI committees (detailed information on all GPI committees is available in the GPI Policies and Procedures Manual). The Policy, Secretarial, Speakers and Website committees are all actively looking for members.

Policy Committee

Duties: The Policy Committee considers changes to the GPI Bylaws or GPI Policies and Procedures Manual based on the needs or recommendations of GPI, Region 7 or WSO.

Abstinence Requirements: none

Other Requirements: Members must be detail oriented and organized, and have basic computer skills (including knowledge of word processing software).

Meeting Frequency: monthly via conference call or Zoom


Finance Committee

Duties: Oversees GPI Treasurer, GPI finances and related policies, and prepares annual budget.

Abstinence Requirements: 6 months for committee members, 1 year for committee chair

Other Requirements: Members must be detail oriented, understand basic budgeting and financial reconciliation, and have basic computer skills.

Meeting Frequency: quarterly via Zoom


Secretarial Committee

Duties: Assist Secretary with maintaining GPI documents and other duties as deemed necessary and assigned by the GPI Secretary

Abstinence Requirements: none

Other Requirements: Members must be detail oriented and organized, and have the ability to work with word processing software, basic spreadsheets, and Google applications.

Meeting Frequency: as needed via Zoom


12th Step Within Committee

Duties: This committee plans workshops/activities, does outreach to members who still suffer, and also assists with requests from homebound members for calls, texts, emails, or Face-to-Face Meetings.

Abstinence Requirements: none

Other Requirements: Members must have basic computer skills, people skills and a heart for the still suffering OA member

Meeting Frequency: monthly via conference call


Outreach Committee: inactive (no chairperson)

Duties may include: place copies of GPI's Public Information Cards on public bulletin boards;
assist with contacting area healthcare providers or school counseling programs and letting them know about OA;
locate events (such as health fairs or professional conferences) where GPI can have an information table at a reasonable price;
staff an information table at a health fair or professional conference;
speak about OA and your recovery at local schools and universities, or for health care professional training organizations (for example, nursing training programs)

Abstinence Requirements: none for basic committee work.
Anyone performing service work at the public level must have at least 2 years of abstinence, at least one year at a healthy weight, and have worked all 12 steps.

Other Requirements: Members must have basic computer skills, good organizational skills, good telephone skills, the ability to make toll/long distance calls and send emails.

Meeting Frequency: inactive

Contact: none

Speakers Committee

Duties: Members of the Speakers committee may have their names appear on the GPI Speakers List, assist the Speakers Chair with periodically contacting and updating the list, or chair a meeting or workshop at a special recovery event in the GPI area.

Abstinence Requirements: none for assisting the Speakers Chair to contact members on the Speakers List, or to help with chairing a meeting/workshop/special recovery event
Speakers at a GPI hosted event must have 6 months of back to back abstinence and completed steps 1-5

Other Requirements: If serving as a Zoom host for a meeting/workshop, must have Zoom skills.

Meeting Frequency: n/a


VOR Committee

Duties: Share your thoughts and photos or write an article about your OA recovery for printing in our local newsletter, the Voice of Recovery; VOR submission deadlines are Feb 15, May 15, Aug 15, Nov 15. Or assit the VOR Editor with editing the final newsletter.

Abstinence Requirements: none

Other Requirements: none for writing articles, good reading and writing skills for editing

Meeting Frequency: n/a

Contact: (please mention VOR in subject line)

Special Events Committee: inactive (no Chairperson)

Duties: Help plan OA holiday events and the annual retreat.

Abstinence Requirements: none

Other Requirements: basic computer skills, good organizational skills, basic computer skills and the ability to send emails, good telephone skills and the ability to make toll/long distance calls

Meeting Frequency: n/a

Contact: none

Website Committee

Duties: The website committee helps the webmaster with the non-coding work of maintaining the website. This includes proofreading, comparing the GPI meeting lists against the WSO meeting list at, checking that links work properly, and performing user testing.

Abstinence Requirements: none

Other Requirements: the ability to surf the web and send emails, basic computer skills, good organizational skills, basic computer skills and the ability to send emails,

Meeting Frequency: n/a (all work done via email)

Contact: none


GPI Elections for the Executive Board, Standing Chairs, Regional Reps/Alts and World Service Business Conference Delegates/Alts are held annually at our October GPI Meeting. In order to run for either election or re-election, you must submit a completed GPI Election Form (available below)to the GPI Executive Board by September 15th to allow for review prior to the October GPI Meeting.
Editable GPI Election Form (editable .pdf file)
Prinatble GPI Election Form (printable .pdf file)

The various positions have different attendance and abstinence requirements, starting at attendance at 3 GPI meetings (one within the most recent 6 months) and 3 months of current abstinence. For details on the requirements and responsibilities of the various positions please see the GPI Bylaws, the GPI Policy and Procedures Manual or contact any member of Intergroup.

Remember, service helps us to keep what we have so generously been given.


These documents are used by GPI chairs and committee members, or anyone interested in an elected position on GPI.

GPI Policy and Procedures Manual (PDF)

GPI Bylaws (PDF)
GPI Bylaws Appendix A Articles of Incorporation (PDF)
GPI Bylaws Appendix B Continuing Effect Motions (PDF)

GPI Online Archive


GPI completed an intergroup inventory in April of 2022. Complete results are available at GPI Inventory Raw Results.

The reference documents for the GPI Inventory are below:


A summary of the 2011 GPI Member Survey can be found in the GPI Member Survey Results Summary document. Anyone interested in the raw data can see it in the GPI Member Survey Data document. These are the final results, and include both the online and paper survey responses. Thanks to everyone who participated!

The results of this survey will be used to help GPI set priorities in the coming years. If you want to be involved in that process, please join us at an intergroup meeting! The dates and locations of GPI meetings can be found on the GPI Calendar.


Below are instructions for GPI's trusted servants to perform common tasks and access secure GPI materials.


Each GPI position has at least one email address associated with it in order to provide continuity between elections and anonymity to GPI members as they perform their duties. For a list of emails associated with each position, please see the GPI Roster. Email sent to these addresses automatically forwards to each GPI member's individual mailbox, so there is no need for GPI members to check their box in order to get their messages.

However, these email boxes have size limits, and so each GPI member is responsible for cleaning out these email boxes at least once per month. Reminder emails are sent monthly prior to the GPI meeting and include detailed instructions, but those instructions are repeated below for reference. The email password will be given to each GPI member by the webmaster.

  1. go to this link:
  2. enter the email address you are responsible for in the username@domain box (remember, you are responsible for not only the chair email; for example,, but also your committee email address,
  3. enter the password
  4. now you're into the email interface; it will resemble MS Outlook. In the bottom left corner is a piechart, with a percent next to it. This is the percent of your mailbox size that you're using. If you hover the mouse over the percent (not the piechart), it'll tell you how much disk space you're currently using, and how big your total mailbox is. Remember, if you go over your size limit, the box closes down and doesn't receive mail.
  5. To select a message, just click on it, then click the trash can to delete it. You can select one message, and use control click to select other non-contiguous messages, and shift click to click continuous messages. That way, you can delete all at one time. There will be some spam to delete, and you'll want to delete any messages that will not be of use to whomever replaces you in your position down the line. **The goal is to only save emails that will be useful to your successors.**
  6. once you delete messages, click the "Trash" folder, then re-delete the messages from the Trash like you did in step 5 above. If you don't do this, the files aren't truly deleted and continue to take up space, putting your mailbox at risk of filling up and not receiving mail.
  7. go back to your inbox and click "Refresh" (it's in the upper left corner with 2 arrows overtop); this checks the mail again, so you can see if you've received any new spam. If you have, repeat steps 5 and 6.
  8. logout (button is in upper right corner of page)


GPI's storage locker is currently inaccessible; access will be returned shortly

GPI maintains a storage locker at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Oakland (formerly Iron City Self Storage). GPI members and committee members can access this locker as needed.

Please review the following instructions before going to the storage locker to save yourself a wasted trip:

  1. be sure you have the locker number and combination before going to the storage unit
  2. you *must* go to the locker during standard hours (when the office is open) from 8a-6p Mon-Sat or 9a-5p Sun; check the website at to be sure that these hours haven't changed
  3. once you arrive at U-Haul, go to the office
  4. let the office worker know that, as a volunteer driven non profit organization, we do not have a fob to turn off the alarm which will go off when the storage locker door opens (so that they don't panic when they hear it going off)
  5. once you get to GPI's locker, unlock both locks
  6. be prepared for a loud alarm to go off when the door opens and breaks a security beam, the alarm will last for 30-45 seconds and then stop -- you do not need to do anything so long as you keeo the locker door open the entire time you're at the locker
  7. the regular combination lock is a little tricky, you must make sure that the numbers align exactly with the dashes, and once they do you just press on the numbers like a button to release the lock
  8. to lock the regular combination lock, you must change the numbers so the proper combination isn't set, otherwise the lock will not engage
  9. after securing the locker, you can leave without returning to the office